In the marketing section of our blog we will be addressing trends that we come across, how our products and services are relating to companies marketing efforts, and other general marketing and design topics.
After recently reading a post on Mashable dubbed ‘The Top Ten Reasons Why Your Website is Losing Sales’, I got to thinking about the list and the importance of a website in modern day business. Mashable’s list primarily focuses on B2C retail sites but incidentally touch on a few great points for any site, including B2B.
Reason number 4, site functionality, stuck out to me as an obvious one for all sites. If pieces of your site aren’t working people will leave your site quickly and probably never return. Reason 10, Imagery, also caught my eye. A good site with proper functionality and good content can lose out to lesser sites that put forth the extra mile on the design end. This is a shame but it is the way people operate.
Recognizing these key universal factors when developing a site for any business is becoming more and more crucial as the overwhelming majority of first impressions for a business now happen online. The first thing people do when looking for a product or service whether B2C or B2B is gravitate to Google to look for businesses that fit their needs. This online introduction to companies is the reality of our time. My recommendation to you is to put your best face out there to start making that first impression fully reflect the quality and values of your business.