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Executive Summary
This report was commissioned to study how QA Graphics worked with JBS Services to enhance their system graphics.
JBS Services worked with QA Graphics to develop the project’s standard using Schneider Electric StruxureWare, then proceed with the BAS Graphics and 3D floor plan.
By working on this project with QA Graphics, JBS Services gained:
• JBS Services’ control technicians to focus on core competencies
• Mapped data points via real time for each building to the database
• Savings in time and money
• Higher ROI
About JBS Services
Founded in 1975, JBS Services is a company that designs, supplies, installs, and maintains building automation systems. Based out of Ontario, Canada, their team of trained and certified technicians works closely with a variety of systems. Some of which are among the most advanced and that is revolutionizing the building automation system field.
At JBS Services they are proud to call themselves the official supplier of Schneider Electric BAS devices and systems for this region. Schneider Electric has built a reputation for being a quality supplier of technologically advanced building automation systems and devices in the past. In collaboration with Schneider Electric and their other partners, they offer building automation systems and other management solutions that are reliable, energy efficient, safe and sustainable.
Areas of specialty for JBS Services include:
• Schools
• Nursing Homes
• Art Galleries
• Commercial Buildings
• Hospitals
JBS Services was awarded the largest Schneider Electric StruxureWare project awarded in North America. This meant they needed more hands on deck, with a company that could meet the demands of such a large project and is competitively priced.
How QA Graphics Helped

QA Graphics began their relationship with JBS Services when they were hired to work on a smaller project. Since then, both companies have worked together to land the biggest North American project to date. The contract has grown to an additional 204 buildings. When asked about this project and its unique aspects, JBS Services Director Ben O’Rourke said,
“JBS Services was awarded a UNC upgrade project in May 2017. This project has strict timeliness, quality control, and budget expectations. Strategic partnering was of vital importance to meet the demands of such a large project. JBS found such a strategic partner in QA Graphics—professional, strong, knowledgeable staff, great communicators, and competitively priced. JBS made the right decision awarding this project to QA Graphics—the job is on time, within budget, and of the highest quality.”
QA Graphics started developing the project’s standard by using Schneider Electric StruxureWare, then proceeded with the BAS graphics and 3D floor plans. With VPN access, they’re able to quickly map live data points for these graphics to the database for each building. The efforts provided by QA Graphics to standardize the process has allowed JBS Services’ control technicians to focus on core competencies, saving JBS Services time and money, thus creating a higher return on investment.
“Having live access to the buildings, while not necessary, has been a major asset for this large of a project. It allows for instantaneous updates and ease of mapping the points,” said Ben Hansen, QA Graphics’ BAS Graphics Manager.
Schneider Electric StruxureWare
In order to bring your project to life, QA Graphics develops system graphics in the StruxureWare Building Operation Graphics Editor and implements bind points in StruxureWare Building Operation Workstation. The BAS graphics are developed using the existing building automation symbol set, or the company provides custom solutions. QA Graphics can remotely access your StruxureWare system to install and bind the graphics, or the company can build graphics “offline”.
Designing Floor Plans
QA Graphics offers a variety of 2D and 3D floor plans. Using existing Revit or AutoCAD files, PDFs, sketches or specifications sheets, QA Graphics can create tailored floor plans to fit your company’s needs. This includes professional premium site plan design, BAS geared designs, and space planning for commercial properties. From basic to complex design, we offer high-quality results, quick turnaround times, and building details such as zoning, windows, built-ins, railings, furnishings, and more.

Customer Experience
JBS Services’ control technicians were able to focus on core competencies with efforts provided by QA Graphics to standardize the process. Saving JBS Services time and money, thus creating a higher return on investment for this project. With VPN access, QA Graphics was able to quickly map live data points for these graphics to the database for each building. Allowing the company to see instantaneous updates. JBS Services now has a product that matches their customer’s expectations and is cohesive across the school district.
When asked about the process and work of QA Graphics, O’Rourke said,
“JBS found such a strategic partner in QA Graphics —professional, strong, knowledgeable staff, great communicators, and competitively priced.”
About QA Graphics
QA Graphics is a leader in the building automation and green building industries. The company specializes in HVAC graphic development services, system graphics, floor plan graphics, and Energy Efficiency Education Dashboards™ (EEEDs). The company also provides custom marketing solutions such as interactive applications, 3D design and animation, UX design, videos, and more. Since 2006, QA Graphics has been a reliable resource for the building controls industry.
The company has collaborated with several leading manufacturers and private companies to develop custom libraries. These graphics are embedded within the control manufacturing software to provide a consistent style on any BAS. In addition to everything else, remaining vendor-neutral allows QA Graphics to specialize in creating top-quality graphics at affordable rates.
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