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Project Spotlight: 3D Graphics, Site Maps, Floor Plans, and BASGraphics
QA Graphics recently partnered with the top aircraft engine suppliers to provide a larger range of services that utilized the companies many talents. The client came to QA with a common opportunity within the building automation industry.
The top aircraft engine suppliers recently upgraded their building automation system (BAS) across their campus. Although the client has very talented control engineers to install controls and build BAS graphics, they looked to QA Graphics to complement those efforts and to let their engineers focus on other tasks at hand. This lead to the following services provided by QA Graphics:
Navigation & Exterior Renderings
QA Graphics worked with the top aircraft engine suppliers to provide a full 3D rendering of an overall campus view that was approximately one square mile in size. This overall view will be used to see each building on the campus and allow the user to interactively navigate within their building automation system. QA Graphics also provided 3D exterior perspectives of the twenty-nine individual buildings (150 total different structures from sheds, buildings, water towers, etc) on campus as well. This will allow the end user to further navigate from the sitemap to each individual building.
Floor Plans
The client wanted each building to have an accurate 3D rendering of every building floor plan with detailed information on each. The floor plans consisted of multiple floors that vary in the scale of size, as well as zoned and unzoned views. To achieve this, column numbers were included on each floor plan to help pinpoint for reference, as well as each floor was zoned into several areas on the floor plans. These smaller sections were then each zoned into mechanical zones, that were provided by the client. This will allow for the end user to have easier control.
BAS Symbol Library
The client was responsible for building all the system graphics used in each building. They did this by using a 3D BAS symbol library QA Graphics specifically developed for them and their buildings. The detailed, custom graphics in their symbol library make it possible to monitor complicated systems with ease, as well as ensure them that regardless of what BAS system they may use in the future, the company will be able to maintain a common look and feel with any BAS graphic that they may need for a very long time. As QA Graphics can build almost any system graphic, static or animated, that is compatible with more than 95% of all major mechanical systems.
QA Graphics is very proud of the work they provided and will continue to provide any support that is needed in the future.
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